Friday, 17 January 2014

Our halos are shining

Yesterday shone bright and sunny and we decided to stay where we were for the day. I heard the sound of a boat approaching and than hovering alongside. It was blog reader Philip in the process of delivering NB Megan Mary to Crick for someone. Poor man caught me in dressing gown and bed hair. Mind you, if he'd turned up 30 minutes later he'd have caught me in PJs, pinny and Marigolds as I'd decided an oven clean was well overdue. I hate that job but it's very satisfying once done.
G also got stuck into a job he'd been putting off for a bit - I wonder what the crew of the boat in front thought this was when they returned
 Of course you and I know it's just Muttley that's been scalped - I know it could still turn cold but his coat was so tangled and muddy, he really doesn't feel the cold and we have lots of dog coats and jumpers if necessary
 and he doesn't seem to be holding a grudge
 Baxter's coat desperately needs doing to0, but he does feel the cold and doesn't move a lot so we'll just have to keep de-tangling him until the spring

We moved on into Crick today in intermittent rain and treated ourselves to lunch at The Red Lion; well kept beer, great home made food (all at £5), good service and dog friendly. Then a trip to the Co-op for fresh veg and milk before an afternoon snooze - it was too late to move on really and we don't need to be in Market Harborough until 21st


  1. Great photo of the freshly clipped and smart looking Mutley :)
    I'm sure I can see a 'WTF' speech bubble above Baxter though LOL

    1. Funny you should say that - although Baxter, obviously, doesn't want to be 'done' he gets so jealous of the attention Muttley is getting while G clips him that he sings and howls to try and get attention back to himself

  2. We have past your boat plenty of times but never seen any sign of life, you may have been still in your PJ. Good luck with your trip abroad. Keep blogging when you are in France.
    Philip the Boat Mover

    1. Nice to have met you Philip - I will be blogging in France but it will be on the new Wordpress blog
      I'll let people know before I swap across from here.
