We went to bed really late and read for ages - although we'd dropped the solar panels I was still in fear for them and didn't get a lot of sleep. At times it was like being in a wind tunnel. G climbed out of bed to find NB Tacet had already gone (Ian and Karen are packing in some hours to try and get some engine problems sorted at Gayton) and I tried to sleep in for another hour. Before dinner tonight I loaded these pics ready to blog later. When I went back in this evening, the Blogger format had changed - I know I'm a grumpy old woman (that was not requiring a comment from you Lesley) but I hate it when you just pop on line to do something quickly and things are just changed.
Anyway these pics were taken when we moored up at Shipton on Cherwell - next door to the legendary Thrupp. Daisy was straight off a hunting. Bottoms up!. She's remarkably well camouflaged at this time of the year.
We went off a hunting for Mortimer Bones and Boots, hoping that they would be up for walkies, but she has not been at all well and so we went for coffee and cakes at Annie's Tea Rooms. I hope you are better now.
G and I set off for a walk by the River Cherwell, only to find a lamb stuck in the water at the bottom of the far bank. Modern technology can be amazing - the GPS located our position, the mapping gave us the name of the nearest farm, Yell gave us the farmer's phone number. Quick phone call and two farmers are out on their buggy with a ladder and the sheep is rescued - job's a good 'un
Aubreys lift bridge-now mechanised
The service point to the left (with excellent library)
We moored here opposite Shipton-on-Cherwell Church - convenient access for my friends Wendy and John, with whom we spent most of the weekend and who, kindly, took us to Tesco
We don't like the visitor moorings at Thrupp (although the people couldn't be more friendly) because it's hopeless for Daisy alongside this little lane.
Way back when, I used to play for the bar billiards team at this pub; believe it or not, we never even went in there this time!
G tagged this pic onto the end of this blog when I wasn't looking - there are so many comments I could make, but probably best I don't!!!!!! I'll just be off to get a towel then....

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