'Tut planning committee decided that, on Monday, remaining fellas would go to Buxton whilst 'tut girls and dogs would go walkies from Dove Holes. This involved us all climbing on the same bus at Whaley Bridge. The bus became VERY full with many standing and, at Doveholes, the only people wishing to disembark through the throng were three women, two Tibettan Terriers and two large Labradors from the very back of the bus-if the standing passengers had just got off; let us off and then got back on, it would have been easy, as it was, well........"'scuse me, sorry, no he didn't, well if you could just..

So we set off over a couple of pikes (whilst I did frequent stopping to admire the view) and dropped down into Coombe

where they had a bit ofa nursery rhyme thing going on

and returned via Coombe reservoir hoping to pick up the flat tramway in Chapel en frith back to Bugsworth.

But we were unable to find it so, once more, had to go up & over via Eccles Pike before dropping back down into Bugsworth. This is Coombe Reservoir behind us (where the dogs hada swim) as we climbed away from it.
Much needed drinks were later enjoyed

as we bade farewell to Linda & David on NB Critical Point who would be leaving us first thing in the morning - leaving Lesley & I back as a walking club of two (with plus fours of course).
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