Where was I? Had some technical blog hitches, but all seems to be functioning again now.
Karen's partner had to drive to London unexpectedly on Saturday so, despite everyone's best efforts & take home doggy bags, we still had considerable quantities of food remaining by Sunday morning. I suggested, bright & early, that we could invite Lesley & Joe across for lunch to help us out as they'd returned to NB Caxton the day before & had a car at hand. No sooner had I mentioned food & their names than the phone rang. That girl's bush telegraph is mighty impressive when food is involved - I know elephants, in the wild, can communicate across 30 miles, but I didn't realise Caxton's crew could communicate across 20 miles; & that's in the "domestic" (I don't even want to think about Joe in the wild!)
Needless to say, we managed to have a good time consuming beer, food, conversation, ear eating & stick chasing; the dogs had a fabulous time too & my two were quite down in the dumps when Floyd & Fletcher left.
By Monday we were VERY low on water & had the choice of a 6 lock wind or a reverse, but woke up to very strong winds which kind of ruled out the long reverse round the bend between a double row of moored craft. So I occupied the galley & did some more experimental cooking-we seem to be obsessed with cooking at the moment, but we can't travel 'cause of Muttley & the vets & I can't trundle off on long walks cause of my foot and there's only so much even I can read. Then, suddenly, the wind dropped a bit and G pulled his knickers over his trousers & reversed us up to the water point - my hero. We've never done it before, but we stuck the hose in, put the washing machine on & had a very l..o..n..g shower -oh joy (that doesn't read quite right, but I guess you know what I mean).
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