We spent today, and much of yesterday, preparing for a visit from the family tomorrow: we are now in posession of 2 different flavours of humus (our first dice with chick peas - I blame it on the "Lesley" influence); 1 carrot cake; 1 gammon hock (that simmered away on top of the fire overnight) + the bi-product of a couple of litres
of good stock; industrial quantities of spicy soup and 2 big bowls of pasta parmigiana - only pudding to go. I hope they all turn up or we'll have to correct our GPS location & throw an "open boat" party!
Himself was reading the narrowboat world web site today & they were saying that boaters had been treating Alrewas moorings as winter moorings with no regard for the 14 day rule. Therefore, these are being changed to 48 hour moorings & would be policed by BW. Duhhhh! If they can police 48 hour moorings why couln't they police............
I abandoned the silicon poach pods this morning & returned to the old system of lobbing eggs
into a pan of swirling water-too much extra hassle & washing up - good for when you want to be posh, like on salads or eggs benedict - the pods themselves, lid for the pan, something to winkle the eggs out of the pan with, pastry brush for oiling the pods: now call me a lazy cow (& at least one of you will), but do I need all that every morning when the centrifugal action works MOST of the time. Tricky little blighters though, poached eggs.
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