As always, when back on the South Oxford, it's always manic catching up with friends & family (we lived in this area 10 years ago). We have now sussed where our intermittent leak
is coming from - the shower. This isn't the first time that the tiles/grouting have sprung a leak so decided to replace them with Mermaid board. This was ordered and due in for delivery on Thursday, so we moved into the outskirts of Banbury overnight (Spiceball Park) only to discover it hadn't turned up and now won't be available until next Thursday, so moved onto Twyford. So, in the meantime, we have a very inelegant shower mod.

Saturday we were picked up by the family & driven into Oxford-respectable clothes dug out for some fine dining-to celebrate Steph's birthday & our wedding anniversary; I actually managed a pud!
Sunday they all came back & we cruised down through the 3 locks in glorious sunshine to Aynho to also meet up with one of my best mates; Wendy & her husband John (who live on their boat at Enslow). 6 adults, 1 child, 2 dogs & 1 cat makes a boat quite crowded & I'm afraid much wine was consumed. When I woke with a hangover this morning I was very grateful not to have to get up at 6.00am & go to work like Steph & Wendy.

We watered, winded & returned to Twyford - somehow 6 locks and less than 8 miles took over 7 hours and Daisy (who couldn't go out) was seriously fed up with us and buried herself in disapproval.
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