Wednesday 9 October 2013

Muttley has put a cyclist in the canal

Now; before those of you, like me, who have been innumerably pissed off with cyclists running you off the towpath start giggling - this was a lovely elderly gentleman who only fell in because he was being nice to a terrorist Muttley.

The  cyclist approached us (me and the two dogs) slowly from behind on the towpath and stopped dead because Baxter stopped to eat a mouse (don't ask). He wished me a good day and continued slowly on his way where he encountered Muttley fart arsing about in the middle of the path, so I called Muttley back who stopped; turned; accelerated. Straight across the cyclist's path. The cyclist wobbled; swerved and..... fell in the canal. I lifted the bike out of the poor man's way and helped him out and G threw us a towel off of MR. We dried him off as best we could and he abandoned his bike ride and turned back for home. He was soooo nice about it. Of all the cyclists that I would gleefully have dunked over the years, this was not one of them. I briefly considered asking if I could take a photo for the blog but thought better of it!

Drawing a line under that rather unfortunate incident we've had some lovely walks along the Cherwell (but, sadly, no kayaking). 
 Then yesterdat we headed off up to Shipton Lock to wind and come back down to the Thames. Being a 'lozenge' lock we thought we'd get both boats in - so G tucks MR (the shorter by 3ft) into the side 
 to make way for NP
 maybe not then - Sue reverses out!
 we wind
 and come back down
 and Sue heads an orderly queue with a little boat
 plenty of room for both of these boats - the little boat is tucked neatly inside NP

 Stopped at the back of Kidlington and harvested and sorted massive of wood before setting off this morning and leaving some restorative bread pudding for the boat behind!

 quite busy as we turned into Dukes Cut
 through the lock and back onto the Thames
 Clearly this 18 inch drop requires 2 men to man the lock whilst I get pushed under the trees by the wind!


  1. Such a shame the poor gentleman got dunked when clearly Mutley thought he was some other annoying cyclist, I say give the dog a bone and encourage him to have another go.
    NB What a Lark

    1. Hi Lisa, I guess you're right - Muttley (poor soul) can't be expected to get it right first time! We shouldn't discourage him from further attempts. Lesley will remember one particular cyclist on the approach to Birmingham that we would have loved to drown, let alone dunk!

  2. Pity it wasn't one of the cyclists we would all love to have a dunking! Very funny though reading your account! x

    1. Immensely difficult to keep a straight face whilst making profuse apologies!

  3. Oops!

    Sue, nb Indigo Dream

    1. I did feel bad, but there was also an underlying Tenna Lady thing going on.
      Going to have another go at getting on your blog now - we don't understand why we can't! I've passed your message on to Lesley - I think Cyber space is having a bit of a melt down all round at the moment but t'other Sue is now back on air

  4. No harm done so I think a smerk is in order. Hopefully word will spread & cyclists will now give boaters & dog walkers a wider berth in future. None of our dogs ever understood what the "Ding Ding" meant anyway. (Tenor Lady would not have been enough for me, full incontinence knickers........ some chance!) P.S. Back on the Thames?

    1. I could happily have drowned at least 6 cyclists whilst out walking today - clearly the message HASN'T spread - passing us and ringing bells at the dogs....duh!!!
      Please don't leave me with an image of you in incontinence knickers - I struggle to sleep as it is!!!
      One week on the canals (it's been 2 and a half years since we've been on a narra canal) with people and boats passing an inch either side of our windows drove us back onto the Thames. We have to clear Cropredy by about 4/11 due to stoppages so we'll still be up Bugbrooke ish for our winter meet with you

  5. So why should cyclists and other users of the towpath have to put up with out of contol dogs? Let me guess you read the Daily Mail as well?

    1. So why should I publish a comment from someone who doesn't have the balls to put a name behind their comment? Because I believe in live and let live and respect for other people and other peoples opinions - clearly you don't, but can't man up to it!

    2. Dear Anonymous,
      Out of control dogs? What about walkers and maybe small children who don't hear bikes approaching and are taken by surprise? Dogs and children react in different ways, panic and shock could be involved in both when a bike is close by suddenly and going at speed. A bike is a vehicle and should always give way.
      Actually I am a cycling boater and bikes often scare me. No one has a right to the towpaths, we all have to share them and respect other users..... no matter what paper we read, a cheap shot I felt.
      NB What a Lark

    3. Bless you Lisa, but these type of comments come from people who are too scared to put their names to them. I was going to cut and paste it into a blog but, do you know what, I couldn't be bothered to give an anonymous troll person air time.
