Monday 9 July 2012

Dear Floyd and Fletcher

Whilst we might be missing you tomorrow, we's not missing you tonight 'cause those nice people from the Swan Inn bought us out this most hugist bag of food and if you hadn't been on your holidays we'd have had to share it - didn't wanna share it with Baxter either but told I's had to. This doggy bag had stake and sosiges and porky bits and it was brilliant - you wood  'ave reeely liked it. I needed it cos I yused up so much energy at the weekend when those women on telly couldn't catch the balls in there mouth and grunted lots and it reely upset me. Upset makes me mungry.

Daisy's in trubble ' cause she was found rolling in the car park neer the rowed - don't know why they don't just put her on a lead; mardy cow.
Love Muttley; Baxter says hi


  1. Dear Baxter and Muttley

    You could have invited MOI to the feast - I'm really ill and I've lost lots of weight and no longer have J-Lo's bum - I need that food!!!!

    Please give my mum the address to the Swan Inn so that she can come and get some leftovers for ME..

    Madame Lou, nb Indigo Dream

    ps. When I'm better I'd love to come and chase you round and bite your bum...

    1. Madame Lou, just get better; there's no one I'd like more than you to come and bite my bum but, lets face it, you were always more twiggy than J-Lo xx

  2. Replies
    1. Floyd could cut out the middle man and just eat Muttley who ate the doggy bag!!
