Tuesday, 20 August 2013

G got bitten by a pike

It wasn't even a very big one - he's hiding his head in embarrassment now.

We were really lucky Saturday evening and managed to find ourselves a wild mooring (basically means you can stay without charge for up to 14 days). It was quite rugged, but meant we could have a couple of days R & R. I picked up some daft virus a couple of weeks or so back and havn't shaken it off. I really needed a couple of days without travelling
A gentle meander down the Thames Path on Sunday spotted a Bollywood wedding across the Thames on Monkey Island - bride, groom and guests came passed us in the evening on the trip boat 'Pink Champagne'
I didn't walk far and returned to cook a Sunday roast whilst G made apple crumble - this is all Vic's fault.
 G went fishing (the first time this year - don't know why) and caught this 5 lb Pike - which promptly bit him when he put it back in the water. He was not best impressed - I tried really hard not to giggle. It's Tuesday now and it's still very sore. Poor Graham
 The Horse Chestnut trees seem to be in trouble again this year although they are carrying an abundance of fruit. 
 Feeling much better after a day of rest on Sunday, I set of on a mini-marathon with the boys; leaving G his 'fast day' lunch of 100 calories and to continue fishing with a porely finger.
I was in search of all things Dorney (and desperately a village shop) plus the Jubilee River.
These buildings are part of Dorney Court Estate but the House wasn't open. The kitchen gardens were (but I had my camera on the wrong setting), dog friendly and with excellent refreshments (no point my suffering when he's on a fast day).

 This is Dorney village where there are some stunningly beautiful buildings, but the nearest I came to a village shop was a house called, "The Old Bakery". Looks like I'll be picking the mould off the bread for breakfast again then.

 Leaving the village at the other end you find Dorney Common - quite surreal with normal, modern day, traffic charging through at 60 mph. Almost leaping the cattle grids.
 some lovely old farms around the outsides
 Then of course there's Dorney Lake. Home to Eton College Rowing Club and host to the Olympic games. All of the peripheral gateways marked 'private' all of them ignored.
 Poor Baxter was flagging so I decided to leave the Jubilee River until we reached Maidenhead
 Back onto the Thames Path and a half hour walk from here to re-join MR in the completion of a nice big circular. Passing the posh hotel on the way - no weddings apparent at this one, but I guess Monday wouldn't be people's first choice
Between mooring Saturday tea time and bed time Monday night I must have walked at least 10 miles with nerry a pint of milk or loaf of bread found - it wouldn't happen in the country!


  1. We are on the Thames next year and always on the look out for moorings so details would be nice please.

    1. This one is 2 miles above Boveney Lock and one mile below Bray Lock. Right hand side going up at the point where Queen's Eyot island is shown - big marina to the back of the island. High mooring room for 2 1/2 narras. Need serious tie down as huge trip boats roar passed. General are: halfway between Eton/Windsor and Maidenhead.
