Up bright and early with a far more positive approach. I normally enjoy a good work out on a flight of locks but, somehow, my heart hadn't been in it the previous day - today, D and I whizzed down the remaining 16 locks in 2 hours; brilliant team work.

The Stratford South canal is still closed so G completed some interesting and rather complicated reversing manouevres to avoid the stoppages and get into the Kingswood Junction basin in order to service the boat.

By this time it was 12.30 and we decided to push on towards Hatton as the weather forecast is threatening to ice us in again. We stopped briefly by Shrewley tunnel to get groceries and by this time it was seriously snowing.....and it snowed and snowed and snowed.

Daisy trying to camouflage herself whilst mousing. I could well be ringing G's school on Monday to say he won't be in because he's iced/snowed in on Grandad's narrowboat (we think that could be one of the most original excuses for non attendance - certainly one of the coolest).
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