returns to the boat looking immensely pleased with himself. Which reminds me; I haven't seen 'wack wack' since the last boat went through - I bet the little b left it lockside AGAIN.
Leaving Cropredy Sunday morning - backwards again!

Yesterday we set off on a 7 mile circular walk (yes that is a WE) through the villages of Williamscot & Wardington which took us through farm after farm. I did suggest that G took a stick & poked this magnificent fella so that I could get a picture of him standing -
he took one look at the gate hinges and declined. Can't think why.
We reached the pub only to discover that it didn't open weekday lunchtimes - mine hosts, who were gardening, kindly offered to open up for us; oh how it hurt to thank them & decline thier kind offer. If only they'd insisted. I did, however, manage to purchase & transport safely a dozen eggs for £1.10 from the farm in the village (£3.98 for large, local free range in Cropredy village shop).
Today was spent with G putting up a long galley shelf for my storage containers to free up space in my ludicrously narrow larder cupboard (you shouldsee NB Caxton's-it's glorious). Mission excellent, just stain & varnish required; I assisted and had a big cook up as the dogs, particularly Baxter, were quite happy to be out in the sun & just have a quick romp in the nearby field.

Wardington Grange (we think) looking great in the sun.
Wardington Grange (we think) looking great in the sun.
Our circular walk returned us through Cropredy village & the now deserted central moorings.
Blue and Lou have had exactly the same pheasant toy - they love it BUT Blue keeps leaving them on the lawn and some wild creature (probably a fox) keeps stealing them. So far they've lost five 'wack wack' pheasants and a squeaky hippo! We've give up on them for now - he'll just have to leave my slippers on the lawn instead :-)
Indigo Dream
Don't you think the fox will fancy your slippers?