Contrary to scurillous mis-representations on another blog, I did not demolish my chimney
- I just loosened the base a bit (well, quite a lot actually) & the man that fixed it said it had already happened before & not been fixed properly (chivalry is not completely dead). So here is my new robust base - looks sound enough to withstand a bridge or ten! The Bridge may take a little longer to fix!!!

Set off up the Atherstone flight today in glorious sunshine (and I even managed not to hit anything), it really was quite spring like.
These two country gentlemen were enjoying a gongoozle & gossip by lock 10 and looked very much the part-I tried to catch a photo without them noticing, but I don't think it worked.

The view behind me down the Atherstone flight.
It was certainly the weather for nattering
& a
number of people lent us a hand up the flight, including Tony the lockkeeper (picturedwith his dog).
This is the view from our windows tonight
with Caxton moored up in front of us & Daisy on her stern enjoying the evening sun.
Baxter found a pikey place with 5 star dog beds lying around in the hedge; not the sort of dog to pass a resting place he stopped for 40 winks
I will admit to a slight disagreement with a bridge near Anynho - but the Cherwell was in flood and it was only a slight nudge
ReplyDeleteyeah, yeah thats what I said but there were too many witnesses!
ReplyDeleteand in any case it was after a good lunch at the Bell so it doesn't count