So here we are at Branston (sub area of Burton on Trent) home of the pickle. We've left Derbyshire & are now in the jurisdiction of East Staffordshire Council. They have converted a gravel pit into a Water Park & conservation area where they tell you what you CAN do. Disabled angling pegs, remote control boat sailing, bird feeders and tables with a hide that caters for all sizes from toddlers to giants, duck feeding areas,
picnic areas & all the necessary supporting facilites; somebodies have sat down and really thought about providing for everyone.
Congratulations East Staffs-job very well done.
Specific areas for dog dipping; so he did.
The family turned up, were fed & did a bit of dog cuddling and then fed the ducks in the park as the snow started.

So Monday & Tuesday have been gloriously white,
Happy anniversary! The first of many I hope
ReplyDeleteThank you Greygal, if we have our way we certainly shall