Thursday, 19 April 2012

Plans gone tits up (again)!

Lots of fabulous pictures  to post from some stunning walks in this Northamptonshire countryside but, for now, the River Nene has the better of us again. Pulled pins at 8.45am this morning into the adjacent Wadenhoe lock with water heaving over the top. As soon as I hit the 'raise gate button' MR lurched forward and hardly held her ground in full reverse. Even after the timer had finished MR kept trying to dive through the guillotine bottom gate as I raised it. Yarwood was pinned against the sidewall. We made very rapid time to Lilford lock and are brested up with Yarwood again on the lock moorings (with the blessing of the EA river inspector) and this is why...


  1. Wow - can't believe how quickly the river has risen. Glad that you're safely moored up.

    Take care

    Sue, nb Indigo Dream

  2. Graham, Its that, no it cant be, dare I say it - floodwater?????

  3. It was naughty of G to put the mill stream video on the blog but it has been (and currently is) very lively. At last we have t'internet signal
