Needless to say, typical boating, New Years Eve did not go according to plan. We thought we'd have a nice dressing gown sort of day before the hooley down The Boat Inn in the evening. First up to flush the loo realised we had a bit of a problem!!!!!!! So that's going to be 7 locks down, service the boat, 5 locks up.

Off we go and found Lazy Otter prepared to go down single handed-so we tied them together so I didn't have to work the double locks single-handed

It was so tiny, but the help was great as these double lock gates are very heavy.

Serious bank repairs underway here

So we moored up at the services just as another boat approached to come up. I explained that we were servicing and then winding and going back up. He was happy to wait for us and we tied up and went back up again as a pair-slightly bigger pair this time

I don't know the name of the boat but he was off to take delivery of the new boat he was having built.

We had a brilliant night at the pub, the band were brilliant (and not too loud) and they came round with sarnies and nibbley bits (steady Joe) just when they were most needed. We were lightweights, others stayed on until 4.30.
Had 8 kids, grand kids etc out today (well almost 9 - any day now).
Me; I'm off to try and help spring mum from hospital.
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