Saturday, 24 January 2009

Look at Graham's Buns!!!!!!!!!

I've just remembered why I married this man - have you ever seen a more perfect set of buns? Oh dear - I think I'm turning into a lardy ass. Greygal eat your heart out but I promise I'll burn it off with some serious logging tomorrow. It's not a myth -even the skinniest of asses that eat healthily (temptation of these buns excluded) & walk MILES, put on stones when they stop smoking.


  1. That is SOME trick, smoking through your arse! Never tried it myself..

  2. I would kill...well, walk through waterlogged fields at least - to get my hand's on your man's buns. What fine specimens!

  3. Fantastic looking buns!! Pip (and myself) would love the recipe if possible.

  4. now now Lesley!!!
    Thank you Greygal.
    Roger and Pip, if you email me at I shall send you the recipe.
