Friday, 8 August 2014


We loved it outside the sleepy village of Mouzay and ended up staying for a week. Unfortunately, we haven’t had an internet signal since we left there so I’m now giving the blog a bash on the ‘Live Writer’ for the first time. Trouble is, without getting on-line, I don’t know where/when the last post I published was.

Hopefully I said that we went and spent some time with Debbie and Kevin whereby we collected our amazing water filtration system that Kevin built for us and my new camera. We no longer have to pull into ‘proper’ moorings if we don’t want to as we are now completely self sufficient for water. For the first time in six and a half years we can have really long showers and run the washing machine whenever we want. G is also running a sprinkler system from the pump which runs river water over the boat to cool it down. This will make a massive difference to our ability to keep moving in the winter – both of us had been dreading the idea of taking a prolonged winter mooring.

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An unusual centrepiece in the middle of a roundabout en route

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This is our new filtration system – a series of filters and ultra violet light sterilisation

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An early Sagar barge (1991), Albertine, moored up across the way and we were invited round for drinks with Andy and Clair – a lovely evening and a chance to pick their brains (my pen, notebook and French/English dictionary are my constant companions these days – I had to buy a handbag to cart stuff around in).

The following day we were hailed by a passing narrowboat; Chris and Helen on NB Jeremus Picator. They hovered and chatted for awhile before moving on. We are starting to see quite a few Red Ensigns now – they are no longer the total rarity they used to be.

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You can just see MR moored across and behind them – I must admit I’m beginning to hanker after a bit of width and some ‘on board’ outside space.